About Us

The AMOR Foundation is a private, non-profit entity that works to improve the conditions and quality of life of those who suffer from chronic renal failure in Guatemala. We provide information and assistance to all people, according to their needs, so that they obtain the best medical attention in the country.

La Fundación de AMOR es una entidad privada, sin fines de lucro que trabaja para mejorar las condiciones y calidad de vida de quienes padecen insuficiencia renal crónica en Guatemala. Brindamos información y asistencia a todas las personas, según sus necesidades, para que obtengan la mejor atención médica en nuestro país.
Mission: That all patients with chronic renal failure have the best medical care, and above all, with support and understanding at each stage of their treatment so that they can fully enjoy their lives, facing the challenge of their disease with courage and positivity.
Vision: To be a leader in medical and social care for patients with kidney failure, bringing cutting-edge technology to those most in need, as well as the latest medical and scientific advances worldwide.

Meet our Team:

We are a team committed to the health and well-being of our patients made up of professionals from different specialties to guarantee optimal and comprehensive care.
Annelisa Castillo
Ana Cristina Ramírez
Vice President & Founder
Gustavo Arévalo
General Manager

A promise of love,
that came true

The AMOR Foundation is a promise that Annelisa Castillo, a patient with kidney failure, made to God if He allowed her to come out of her transplant surgery safely. That promise, of which her family and friends are part of, has been a reality in Guatemala since May 1999. 

Made up of professionals in different areas, the Foundation serves low-income patients, guaranteeing first-class medical care. But unlike other institutions, where patients who undergo treatment overcome their illnesses, at AMOR Foundation we care of patients with an illness that currently has no cure.

This silent disease is caused mostly by diabetes and uncontrolled arterial hypertension; and to a lesser extent due to obstructive diseases (lithiasis, urethral tumors, prostatic hypertrophy), kidney diseases (nephritis, glomerulus nephritis, polycystic kidney disease), as well as genetic diseases.

In Guatemala, ten patients with kidney failure are diagnosed every day, a number that is dangerously increasing throughout the world. The high cost of medicines and the constant crises in the national hospital system make this disease more painful for Guatemalans. People who suffer from it need to undergo treatments that cost between 7 and 15 thousand quetzals per month (approximately one thousand to two thousand United States dollars).

Thanks to the support of generous people in our country, and international institutions that support the work of AMOR Foundation, we provide specialized medical treatment, laboratory tests, and assistance in purchasing medicines to more than three hundred low-income patients each month.

We can say with satisfaction that this care allows patients to be emotionally strengthened and to recover physically so that they may take their rightful place in our society.