Make your donation
Thank you for your contribution!
¡Donando, donando, te vas rodando!
Sé parte de Fundación de Amor y transforma vidas. Tu donación nos ayuda a continuar apoyando a nuestros pacientes y en agradecimiento queremos donarte a ti una moto Honda NAVI.
*Se seleccionará un donador a través de un sistema aleatorio digital quien será favorecido con la entrega de una moto Honda Navi. Válido hasta el 20 de febrero del 2024.

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Other ways to help
1. By making monetary contributions directly to our account:
FUNDACÓN DE AMOR #3921118345
2. Employing our patients:
You can help our patients by providing them with employment opportunities that help them to rejoin active socio-economic life.
3. Donating medicines:
We need medications to control blood pressure, antifungal medications, analgesics, anesthetics, gastric secretion inhibitors, immunosuppressants, etc.
4. Donating your professional services:
We are grateful for the volunteer support of doctors, dentists, chemists, biologists, lawyers, engineers, architects, teachers, secretaries, etc. To assist in the development of our service programs and fund-raising projects
5. Donating wheelchairs, hospital furniture and equipment, office furniture and equipment in good condition:
Some of our patients are unable to mobilize on their own and would appreciate a wheelchair. Donations of furniture to support the administrative services of an institution are also welcome.
6. Participating in our fundraising events:
We carry out different fundraising events, by participating you make it possible for us to continue our work.